The Cleggan Estate has the finest shooting in Northern Ireland.

The Cleggan Shoot, one of the best sporting shoots in Northern Ireland, is situated in the North Antrim hills above the Glens of Antrim, which face the great Scottish peninsular, The Mull of Kintyre. 

The Estate

Cleggan Lodge was built by Earl O’Neill in 1822 and is currently owned by Hugh O’Neill, the 3rd Lord Rathcavan. He started a partridge shoot in 2000 on some of the old Cleggan grouse moorlands, adding to an already fine pheasant shoot along the steep banks descending from the mountain.

The Lunch

The Cleggan Shoot provides a level of hospitality, food and beverage to rival any shoot in these islands. Often referred to as the “best drive of the day” the Cleggan Shoot lunch is a memorable experience.


The Cleggan Shoot, Cleggan Lodge, Ballymena, Co Antrim BT43 7JW
